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Who Is Kali?!

First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my passages and to follow my journey. Blogging is something that I have wanted to do for a while and quarantine gave me the extra push I needed to get started. I hope this blog brings you joy, laughter, comfort and solace when you need it most.

So who am I, you may ask? I am assuming some of you know me very well, while others maybe not so much. I consider myself to be a very open and honest person, so I am about to bare it all!

My name is Kali, pronounced like Kaylee, since nobody ever gets it right (thanks Mom and Dad). Trust me, you don't know how many times I've heard 'oh how cute, is it short for California?!' Nope lol. I am a single, 27-year-old, living in Boston. Many roads, experiences and lessons have led me to this wicked awesome city which I now call home. I only recently moved here in July of 2019 but am enjoying every bit of it so far.

I was born in Syracuse, New York, many moons ago, and am the oldest of three girls. I am a Capricorn (duh!), just in case you were curious. My family is the absolute most important thing to me and always will be. My mother is my best friend and the strongest, most resilient woman I have ever met. My father is my Capricorn twin, and the downright most hardworking and caring man I know.

Next up, we have my two other best friends, my sisters! Kassidy was born three years after me, and is now a brilliant cosmetologist (go check her out!). Her most important job, though, is being a mother. She has given me the two best gifts of my life; my niece and nephew. I am not kidding when I say they are the two most beautiful children I have ever seen and if personalities could kill, we'd all be in trouble!

Karly was born six years after me and is the baby in the family, well was, until the grand-babies came along. She is going to be a senior in college, studying childhood education. Her compassion for others is evident and I can't wait to see all of the great accomplishments she has in her future.

So now that you know the key players in my life, I'll tell you a little more about me. I grew up being a very quiet person. I was never the first person to raise my hand in class, but I usually always knew the answer. I would definitely consider myself a nerd, but I'm also athletic, having played softball, volleyball and tennis for years. I also prided myself in volunteering in and out of school. My hard work and dedication led me to become the salutatorian of my high school class, which to this day still remains one of my greatest achievements.

After the good ole G. Ray days, I went to my dream school, Syracuse University, for public health. I was in a sorority (Alpha Gam for life), ran the Relay for Life event each year, and attended every single basketball game. I completed incredible internships at Make-A-Wish and Golisano Children's Hospital. I graduated a semester early to save money and applied to grad school while serving tables in my free time.

Fast forward to August 2015 and to my move to Washington, D.C. to attend graduate school at The George Washington University for Healthcare Administration. Why this degree? Stay tuned and I'll tell you eventually. D.C. was by far the best place I have ever lived and it will forever stay one of my favorite places in the world. During this time, I spent a summer in Pittsburgh completing a residency at UPMC. I spent two years in D.C. doing the tactical portion of my curriculum and then ended up in Reading, Pennsylvania for my residency. I worked at Reading Hospital as a Project Manager and learned to have a soft spot in my heart for the small town and the friends and coworkers that turned into family. Both of these experiences pushed me to become more outgoing and to really step outside of my comfort zone.

Two years proved to me more than enough in Reading so last year I took the next leap of faith and applied to a job in Boston. Miraculously I was offered a position at one of the best hospitals in the world where I now love my job and coworkers. I'm not sure how long I will stay here, since I seem to be hopping every two years, but only time will tell!

The last important thing about me that I'll share is that I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2013, right at the end of my sophomore year of college. I'd like to say that this is a crucial part of my identity, but I really don't want it to define me. Although incurable, this autoimmune disease is manageable. I do my very best to not let it interfere with my daily life, despite the many impacts it has, noticeable or not.

In my free time I love to volunteer, read (look forward to book reviews), latch hook, diamond paint (newest obsession), explore the city, play and watch sports, hang out with friends, discover new music, dance, and visit my family whenever possible. Oh, and I guess blogging is a hobby now too!

All in all, I am a driven, passionate, loving, caring and smiling woman who is just trying to navigate life one day at a time. I hope by reading this you learned something about me or got a refresher for those who already know me! I look forward to sharing more stories with you and hope that you'll continue to support me in this next venture.

Love Always,


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Kali Kearns
Kali Kearns
May 11, 2020

Thanks Mom! Excited for this new adventure. 😊


You have accomplished so much already and life has just begun! And about your name.....I LOVE the spelling of it and remember your we’re supp to be Joshua 😲💙

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